Amaya The Dragon Prince

Amaya The Dragon Prince 3,9/5 7690 reviews

The Dragon Prince, Amaya, Aunt Amaya, armor, sword See more. The Dragon Prince. Avatar Airbender The Last Airbender Female Characters Fictional Characters Fantasy Series Landing Character Design Character Ideas Princess Zelda. Fareeda is Queen of Evenere, a dreary land hidden in the dense swamplands of the human kingdoms. Being reachable only. Nov 29, 2019  And yet, Amaya is nothing more than peripheral in Season 3 of The Dragon Prince. Hopefully, she moves past this secondary role should the show get a fourth season because with her wisdom, military tactics and new position as a bridge between elves and humans, Amaya deserves a lot more time in the spotlight than she's been getting.


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Banded together, Rayla, Callum, Ezran, Soren, Amaya, Janai, the Sunfire elves, Ibis and Pyrrah get ready for the confrontation with Viren and gather reinforcements.


  • Actually a Doombot: The Viren that Soren stabs turns out to be an illusion created by Claudia.
  • All According to Plan: Viren's army is defeated, but Claudia tells Soren and Ezran that the army was merely a distraction, allowing Viren to get close to Zym.
  • Big Damn Heroes: When Queen Aanya arrives to save Callum.
    • Also, when Callum summons mage wings and swoops in to save Rayla.
  • Bloodless Carnage: Zigzagged, while there are more than a few on-screen casualties that show no blood (Such as when Viren's army take several arrow wounds), a few other moments show blood such as when Soren impales the fake Viren illusion, and blood can be seen on Viren's crown after he's revived by Claudia.
  • Boom, Headshot!: Queen Aanya uses her arrows to kill Kasef by sniping him on the hand, the heart and the head.
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  • Broken Aesop: Earlier in the season Ezran made a heartwarming pacifist speech about the soldiers in the human armies having family and loved ones who would be devastated if they die in the war, and he then cut a deal that would allow anyone who doesn't want to fight to desert and go back to their loved ones. Now those same deserters are brought back as The Cavalry (see below), so they're fighting and dying in the war anyway.
  • The Cavalry: Twice.
    • Ezran arrives with a group of dragons, though subverted when it becomes clear that not only are the human soldiers immune to fire, but strengthened by it.
    • The people who deserted from Viren's army, with Corvus, the baker and Opeli, had reached Aanya's kingdom and joined with her army. She leads them into battle to save the heroes' side.
  • Cliffhanger: The episode ends with Claudia resurrecting her father from the dead, and revealing that Aaravos's familiar is now in a cocoon.
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  • Die or Fly: Callum leaps from the top of the Spire to save Rayla, hoping that he can conjure mage wings before they hit the ground.
  • Disney Villain Death: Viren falls from the top of the Storm Spire and dies offscreen, with Claudia bringing him back soon after.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Once Rayla is disarmed, Viren and Aaravos turn their attention away from her. Both are such self-serving people, they never thought that she would be willing to throw herself and Viren off the cliff.
  • Fake Ultimate Mook: Despite their immunity to fire, Viren's soldiers do not seem to be more effective than the average soldier, this reaches the point that the baker can defeat them using a rolling pin.
  • Gave Up Too Soon: Zym tries to zap his mother awake, but it doesn't appear to work. After the battle ends, however, she awakens.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Attempted as Rayla risks her own life pushing Viren off the spire's peak to save Zym, but subverted since Callum saves her once the duo are in freefall.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Though distraught with what he did, Soren had to kill his father to stop him from killing Ezran. Until he discovered he killed an illusion.
  • Instant Expert: Callum has trouble casting the mage wings spell, but once he does it he is able to use his new wings for fancy acrobatics with no practice or training.
  • Post-Climax Confrontation: After the big battle at the feet of the Storm Spire is finished and won, a confrontation between Claudia, Soren and Ezran reveals that Viren is still on the loose. Cut to a final battle between Rayla and Callum against Viren and Aaravos at the top of the Spire, where Viren tries to absorb Zym's life force.
  • The Power of Love: Callum has trouble conjuring mage wings, but when he admits he loves Rayla, he finds the focus to use it properly.
  • Rain of Arrows: Queen Aanya's Big Damn Heroes is complete with a flurry of arrows to take down Viren's forces.
  • Reality Ensues: A mage may be a powerful force on a battlefield, they require time to draw runes and use their magic. Against a fast, physical threat, they don't have that time.
  • Red Is Heroic: Callum's most prominent color is blue, the color of intellectual heroes. Naturally, he is on the sidelines during the final battle and helps from a relatively safe distance. After he jumps off the cliff to save Rayla, he grows wings that tear his jacket off, leaving only red.
  • Series Fauxnale: The show's crew clearly had no idea whether they'd get another season, and so did their best to create a workable ending for the story while still leaving a couple doors open for more. The series goal of getting Zym to his mother is fulfilled and peace is restored between the Human Kingdoms and Xadia with the promise of better relations in future, but Viren, Claudia, and Aaravos are still out there and there's a hint that Aaravos' true plan may have just begun.
  • Traveling at the Speed of Plot: It took days for Rayla and Callum to reach the Storm Spire, and even then they needed Nyx's help to cross the Midnight Desert, or it would've taken even longer. But here The Cavalry arrives to save them in just one day, with no explanation how they made the trip so fast.
  • Variable Terminal Velocity: It actually makes sense for Callum to catch up to and rescue Rayla since he at first is falling headfirst through the air and later is able to execute a magically enhanced power dive which enables him to go much faster than any ordinary person could. What makes less sense is why Viren is falling so much faster than Rayla, given that they went off the cliff at the same time and his flowing robes ought to provide more air resistance than Rayla's skin-tight getup, if anything.
  • Wham Episode: The Queen awakens to meet her son, and to see a group of human and elves working together to keep him safe. Rayla kills Viren by throwing him off the Storm Spire, and Callum learns to fly to save her, but Claudia resurrects Viren using dark magic, and Aaravos's familiar is now in a cocoon, transforming into something else.
  • Winged Humanoid: Callum conjures mage wings, allowing him to turn his arms into wings so he can save Rayla.


This is based on opinion. Please don't list it on a work's trope example list.

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On the Show

Book 1: Moon

  • When Callum calls the king his father, or refers to himself as his son, Soren is always quick to point out that the king is his step-father, and he's the step-son. He brings it up so often, and you can see a small moment of hurt that crosses Callum's face.
  • Callum overhearing Viren and Soren talking about the moonshadow elf assassins. He sadly looks over to Ezran who is cheerfully playing with Bait, knowing now that if his father dies, Ezran would have to leave his childhood to be king.
  • As the stress of the day as well as knowing their father might die builds, Callum yells at Ezran who doesn't know about the situation and says that the reason they're being sent away is because their father will likely die. Callum's face after he says that shows he immediately regrets his words as Ezran runs tearfully to his room and slams the door in his face, Bait does the same with his own door.
  • Runaan blowing up at Rayla after it's revealed that the humans know they're coming because she didn't kill the guard from earlier. From her perspective it looks like she's doomed them all.
  • Rayla being ostracized in her group after they learned that she lied about killing one of the king's guard.
  • Viren asking why Harrow wasn't accepting his 'creative solutions' anymore.
    Viren: I don't understand.
    King Harrow: I know you don't. Leave me.
  • Callum trying to get Ezran out of his room and apologizing for what he said in the previous episode. He even offers to do the 'Jerk-face dance' to cheer him up, but when he gets no response he sadly tells his brother he'll be back to help him pack. Callum leaves the room with a downcast expression.
  • Rayla asking Runaan how she was supposed to kill something that did nothing to harm her.
  • King Harrow and Callum's final goodbye. Especially when Harrow tells him he'll know when to open the letter he gave his son.
    • Callum trying to deny what was going to happen, saying that he wouldn't have to open the letter since he'd see his father again on the weekend.
  • Harrow's words to Callum, “The great illusion of childhood is that adults have all the power and the freedom, but the truth is the opposite. A child is freer than a king.”
  • Viren and Harrow arguing over how this war came about, with Harrow asking Viren how everything was going to come back and bite them with every shortcut they took. Harrow even yells about how Viren destroyed the dragon egg, despite the other saying how dangerous it would have become.
    King Harrow:IT WAS AN EGG!
    • Harrow then asks Viren a question once he points out that there were men and women in his guard that would gladly give their lives for their king.
      King Harrow:.. Would you, Viren?
      Viren: I.. [clears throat]
      King Harrow:Get out.
  • Callum taking his father's last words to him to heart when Rayla asks him where Prince Ezran was.
    • Him standing in front of Ezran when Rayla knows who her real target is.
      Callum: You'll have to go through me.
  • The fear on Callum's face when Viren takes his voice away. Having his father so close yet can't speak, and learning that he was a mage whose sole power comes from him being able to speak must have been terrifying when that was stolen from him.
  • Callum is torn between calling out for his father, to finding Ezran and Rayla. He then makes up his mind and dashes down the staircase, stumbling across a dead guard and forces himself to keep running. He wanted to help his father, but he knew he still had to protect his little brother.
    • Even more tearjerking was how he always referred to Harrow as the king in this episode when Ezran gently points out that he could just call him dad, and how he would want that. Yet the one time he does call King Harrow 'dad', was when the moonshadow elves began to overwhelm the human guards.
      Callum: (coughing) Your majesty! King Harrow! DAD!!
  • It does not quench Runaan's bloodthrist but the sight of seeing the egg alive makes him take pause.
  • Rayla knowing that she doesn't stand much chance in a fight against Runaan and being prepared to do it anyway.
    Runaan: Don't do this. I will kill you.
    Rayla: Probably.
  • Rayla's binding falling off notifies her that the king is now dead, which means that her attempt to stop Runaan has failed and at some point she's going to have to break it to Callum and Ezran.
Amaya The Dragon Prince
Chapter 4: Bloodthirsty
  • Ezran trying to ask Callum why they couldn't just tell their aunt Amaya about Rayla and the egg. Callum sadly explains that it wouldn't work, since Amaya believes all elves are monsters. After he walks away, Ezran looks down at the figurine he was playing with, an elf toy with sharp looking teeth and an evil grin.
  • The escape from the Banther Lodge is one huge Tear Jerker montage:
    • Ezran tells Callum that they should just tell Amaya the truth in order to stop the standoff. Instead, Callum makes things worse by telling Amaya that Rayla will kill them and drink their blood. The previously nonviolent standoff turns violent as archers try to kill Rayla, and forces Rayla to create an actual hostage situation in order to escape. Not only does this reinforce Amaya's hatred of elves, but damages Rayla's trust with Callum.
    • Rayla's can tell that something bad is going on when the expressions of Amaya and Gren change to Callum's signs. When Gren translates what Callum said, she looks so heartbroken and hurt by his words.
    • Amaya signing to Callum after he tells her that Rayla would drink their blood; 'Don't worry, Callum; I've slain monsters before'.
    • Although Callum telling his aunt that Rayla would drink their blood was supposed to just scare the soldiers off, it ends up creating even more motivation to save the princes. Afterwards, Rayla is clearly hurt by this, wearing her hood, hugging her knees close, and angrily tosses Callum the box. She tells him she hoped this trip was worth getting a seemingly worthless toy and how Callum put all of their lives in danger. There’s no such thing as a positive stereotype.
      Rayla: I can't believe you're such a jerk!
      Callum: (genuinely confused) What? What's wrong?
      Rayla: You called me a bloodthirsty monster! You have no idea how that feels!
      Callum: But, I don't actually believe any of that. I was just trying to scare her; I thought she'd back down.
      Rayla: Oh, that went well! They tried to kill me!
      Callum: ..I'm sorry. That's not what I meant to happen.
      Rayla: (returning to her Troubled Fetal Position) Well, it did.
  • Amaya going to her sister's statue and lighting a candle. Even without translations, you can tell how much love and respect she had for her.
    [General Translation] “Hello, sister. You were my hero. Perfect, strong and unbreakable. Kind and loyal. I’m sorry, older sister, I failed you. Your children were safe and I let them slip away.”
  • Corvus telling Rayla how the princes would hate her if she ever revealed what she was a part of in the beginning of the season, especially since the boys' father is dead.
  • Callum and Rayla thinking that Ezran and the egg died in the lake, with Rayla apologizing for dropping the egg believing Ezran could save it.
  • Callum tearfully hugging a cold and drenched Ezran, afraid that he had lost his little brother.
  • Lord Viren telling Soren that if he finds the princes alive, 'he will know he must do the right thing'. Soren is surprised by this and expresses uncertainty about it.
  • Claudia jokingly asking her father that if she ever had to come to it, who would she have to choose between Soren and the egg to save. He's surprised by this question and Claudia says she's kidding and everything will be fine, but as she walks out, he answers the egg, much to her surprise and discomfort.
  • Claudia and Soren getting ready to leave. They joke around like good siblings, and then try to tell each other that their dad told them some weird stuff. You can tell that the heartbreak is going to happen..
  • After this episode ended up with Lord Viren manipulating his children as if they were tools, the end credits show him playing with a young Claudia and Soren and showing them magic.
    • Overall, simply the fact that the show makes it clear that both Claudia and Soren really are good kids, who genuinely believe they're doing the right thing - probably because they still want to believe their father is well-intentioned as well. Get ready for that aspect of themselves to be broken, later on..
  • Ellis and Ava's story, especially how Ellis risked everything she could to save her wolf friend, despite her father telling her putting her down was the kinder thing to do.
  • Soren saying that they have to find the egg, because he's scared of what his dad will do to him if they don't.
  • The Sunfire dagger is incapable of cutting Rayla's binding, dashing away her Hope Spot of not having to lose her hand for not killing Ezran.
  • The moment the man with the dagger realizes Rayla was a moonshadow elf, he begs for her to not kill him and take his dagger or money instead. Later, he's the one who leads the mob driving Rayla and the group out of the town. What's worse, is that you can hear the people angrily yelling 'elf', waving pitchforks and brooms.
  • Viren turning Runaan into a coin, noting how he always got the same reaction, stubbornness that turned into fear and it shows a close up of Runaan's terrified face as he slams against the surface of the coin.
Chapter 9: Wonderstorm
  • When it's revealed that there is no miracle healer on the Cursed Calderra, the group breaks down because suddenly it seems like their entire quest was All for Nothing.

Book 2: Sky

  • Callum is seen writing a letter and when Rayla gets a closer look she realizes Callum's writing a letter to Harrow, happily telling her he'd be worried about his son's whereabouts. Rayla's face is stricken with guilt as she can't bring herself to tell Callum what really happened to his father.
  • Callum desperately wants to learn magic, but Lujanne turns him away every time, explaining that without the primal stone, he was just another ordinary human and he had to be born connected to a natural source called the arcana. Saddened at this news despite trying everything he can to prove Lujanne wrong, Callum holds the cube up to Zym and Bait before quietly going to sleep, wondering what his real purpose was if his 'thing' was no longer magic.
  • Claudia and Callum almost share a kiss, but she falters and tells Callum the truth about his dad. The episode ends with Callum tearfully walking over to Rayla, telling her he knows that his dad is gone.
    • Even worse is that Rayla had finally resolved to be honest with him, but lost her chance at the last possible moment.
  • A subtle one, but the fact that Claudia was going to use Callum's crush on her to persuade him to go back to Katolis. To explain — Claudia was going to emotionally manipulate Callum, a childhood friend who she knew liked her, and given the Ship Tease, she reciprocated his feelings. However, instead of telling the truth about King Harrow (which was started by Soren, not her), Claudia instead tries to play with Callum's feelings. Given what happened in the next episode, how would Callum react if he found out about Claudia's manipulations?

The Dragon Prince Amaya Translation

  • Callum can't bring himself to tell Ez that their father was dead, and when he goes to talk to Rayla about it, he admits that he understands why she didn't tell him sooner. While he breaks down into tears, all Rayla can do to comfort him is to hug him.
  • When Rayla goes to talk to Callum about her suspicions of Soren and Claudia, specifically how the former tried to assasinate Ezran, Callum is understandably skeptical. But what really is the tearjerker is how after Rayla tells Callum to look her in the eye and say that he trusts her, Callum does. Then turns his back and explains that he's known Claudia and Soren all of his life which builds a certain kind of trust. Something that he and Rayla don't have yet. The look of hurt on both of their faces is hard to watch for different reasons.
    • For Rayla, it's obviously because that despite all of the trial she, Callum, and Ezran have shared, he still, to some level, doesn't trust her.
    • For Callum, he wasn't trying to be cruel (and isn't) and words it in the best way he can, but it's a case of realism — You're not going to start distrusting two of your oldest friends from the words of a friend you've only known a week.
  • Callum's glare to Claudia after Rayla's plan reveals her (Claudia) and Soren's treachery. He spent this episode and the last defending them both from Rayla's suspicions and not because of his crush on Claudia, but because of understandable reasons. He genuinely thought the two would never betray him or Ezran. And he's proven wrong. And that withering glare he sends Claudia is the first sign that whatever friendship he had with her or Soren, is gone.
  • Callum being so desperate to connect to the sky arcanum because he wants to be useful to his friends, and without the primal stone, he's just another human. He wants it so badly that he's willing to risk his life for it, and considers himself a coward when he wisely backs down.
  • A small one for Bait. He was usually by Ezran's side throughout season 1, and you can clearly see he's jealous of how close he is now to Zym, barely paying him much attention anymore. So when he's unconsciously slapped away by Ezran in his sleep, he goes over to the only other person he's close with: Callum.
  • Callum finally opening Harrow's letter, and the words he reads are nothing but supportive to his sons, causing Callum to tear up in between reading.
  • Sarai repeatedly wondering if the creature they're hunting is intelligent, has a family,is the last of its kind, etc.
    • When Harrow refuses to budge, Sarai angrily walks away, stabbing her spear into the ground.
  • Sarai, proud of their achievement, signs to her sister that she did it. However, when she notices Amaya stumbling, she signs in confusion before running over in a panic after her sister and catching her before she falls. As she looks over her sister, there is terror in her eyes when she removes her helmet, but Amaya signs back and assures Sarai that she's fine.
  • Amaya trying to tell Harrow to leave her and the others behind so they wouldn't slow them down (and because she said she'd recover after some rest), but he refuses and tells Viren they would not leave anyone behind. Viren spitefully yells that Harrow wouldn't consider doing this in his right mind if one of the people they would leave behind didn't happen to be his wife's sister. Harrow angrily reaffirms his order, and it's at this moment that shows the small strains in Viren and Harrow's relationship.
  • Viren breaking his usual practical ways by staying behind to help the Queens of Duran. Alas, it was for naught and lead to Sarai's death too. This is even sadder contrasted with the first episode, where Harrow calls out Viren for being willing to sacrifice his soldiers but not himself - here Viren forgets his survival really is the most important, because only he can perform the spell, and it results in tragedy.
  • In their last moments, the Queens of Duran are seen reaching for one another, one last time, knowing that they won't survive.
  • Viren recovering from the blast and looking over to see Sarai on the ground, not moving. As he goes over to help her up and escape, she can only weakly breathe as he holds her, and he then narrates that he was with the queen until her last breath.
  • It's horrifying to think that the scar on Amaya's face might forever remind her of the day that her sister died to the dragon king.
    • Even Harrow when he later goes to see Callum, can only quietly lean down and give him a hug. He then goes on to tell Callum about life, which later becomes something Callum tells Ezran.
  • Later on in the letter, it's implied that Harrow was the one who helped orchestrate the mission to kill Avizandum using Sarai's spear. Yet, he doesn't look remotely happy about taking his revenge and feels that the dragon queen sending the Moonshadow elves to assassinate him was only fair for them after he took their king.
  • Anaya tears up at finally hearing the story of how her mothers became heroes, and while she wonders if it's strange to feel so sad over two people she'd never met, she thanks Viren for the story.
  • Callum grabbing Claudia's tome of dark spells and a bug for him to use. Terrified of him hurting himself, Claudia tries to tell Callum to put the items down because he needs someone more experienced to help him. However, after all he's seen of Claudia in this season, his crush on her seems to have disappeared and he no longer seems to trust her anymore despite having insisted earlier that Claudia was one of his closest friends.
    Claudia: You don't want to do this,Callum. It's really dangerous unless someone shows you how!
    Callum: (glaring at Claudia coldly) You already did. (crushes the bug and starts chanting as his eyes glow)
  • Claudia is about to shoot her magic at Ezran, but when Soren weakly begs for her help, she pauses and looks between Ezran who's holding Zym, and her brother whose voice is strangled. She looks back and forth for a few more moments before running towards her brother to help him.
  • Soren realizing something is very wrong.
    Soren: [Beat] I can't move, Claudia. [Beat] I can't move.
  • For one of the first few times in the story, we see Claudia break down mentally and emotionally. She prides herself in being prepared, and yet everything she tries fails to bring back her brother's feeling to his limbs. Even as she searches for a solution in her bag, she comes up with nothing. She starts lashing out at anyone who tries to tell her to stop, and she even tears down a cabinet full of medicine at the hospital because nothing she found was good enough.
  • Soren saying he is glad he is never going to walk again. It is difficult to convey just how soul crushing it is to hear a man, who admittedly in many ways is still a bit of child, say he is 'okay' with never walking again.
    • Claudia comes into the hospital mentally preparing herself for the monumental task of telling her brother that he will never walk again, when..
      Soren: I already know. I can't move, I can't walk, and it's not going to get better. [Soren sees children playing outside his hospital window] You know what? It's for the best, I'm glad I can't move.
      Claudia: What are you talking about? Soren, why would you say that?
      Soren: Before we left, Dad gave me a secret mission. [..] I was confused and I didn't want to do it, but [beat] I do want Dad to love me and be proud of me.. [Soren starts tearing up; Claudia tries wiping the tears, but her attempt hurts Soren so she can't dry his eyes] […] Dad is so smart, so I figured there must be a good reason.
      Claudia: Soren, what did Dad ask you to do?
      Soren: ..Kill the princes. […] Now I can't do anything terrible, I can't do anything.
  • Rayla beginning to understand how serious Callum's fever dream, or dark magic coma, is after Callum begins having trouble breathing.
  • The moment when Ezran learns the truth about his father. Made even harder when Rayla tries to talk to him, and for maybe the first time we see Ezran get truly, coldly angry at someone.
    Ezran: When we met you, you had two of those assassiny-ribbony things. But one of them came off that night!
    Rayla:[tearing up] That's right. That must have been when he fell.
    Ezran: …'Fell?'
    Rayla:[not meeting his eyes] ..Yes.
    Ezran: 'Fell?' He didn't fall, Rayla! He didn't trip and land on the ground, he got killed!
  • Claudia telling Ezran that her mother left their family, and remembers times when she would go to bed, she'd hear her parents fighting late at night. When they divorced, they told their children to choose, so Soren chose to stay with Viren, but Claudia couldn't understand why she was supposed to choose between her parents whom she loved. Her mother ended up telling her to stay with her brother because they needed each other, and then she left. Claudia says that she hasn't seen her mother since and that she needed to be somewhere else to be happy, implying that she may have doubt her mother's love for her even though she understands what happened. This can hit home for many a viewer who also had to witness their parents' relationship strain into a divorce and being in a situation where they may not see their non-custody parent ever again.
  • Rayla's continuing break down over Callum's worsening condition.
    • Before, Rayla was annoyed with Callum, for using dark magic, and she spent her time in the last two episodes chastising him for using dark magicnote . Now? Rayla is clutching Callum in a bone-crushing hug begging Callum not to die. She is so frightened of losing him, she almost gives a confession to the comatose boy she has known for a week.
    • There's also the fact that Rayla's last words to Callum were to chastise him. To anyone who regrets their last words to someone close to them, this is an added tearjerker.
      Rayla: Callum! Please, come back! It doesn't matter what you did before! I just want you to be ok again!
    • What's even more heartbreaking is that Rayla possibly blames herself for Callum putting himself into a coma to save her life.
  • Claudia putting herself under intense stress to fix her brother's limbs and nearly passing out after the spell was finished. The spell has permanently left her with a stripe of white in her hair, but she tells her brother that as long as he was fine, that's all that mattered to her. No matter what, she loves her brother and would do absolutely anything to protect him as much as he has done for her.
  • We find out what happened to Runaan's party. As Viren places their weapons down and uses their ashes, smoky versions of the Moonshadow elves appear with glowing red eyes and sends them off to attack the other kingdoms to convince them that there is an imminent threat.

Book 3

  • Ezran finally arriving at Katolis. However, when he approaches the throne, he merely places his hand on it instead of actually sitting on it. Even though he knows he's now officially king, he's still a kid who's never going to feel ready or worthy.
  • As Prince Kasef enters the Katolis throne room and expects Ezran to want revenge on the elves for killing his father. When Ezran advocates for peace, Kasef says the worst thing anyone could say to a child.
    Kasef: If you can't take action against Xadia, you have failed as a king. And you have failed as a son.
  • After two seasons, Rayla finally gets to return home.. except not really. Her entire hometown made her a ghost, leaving them unable to perceive her and rendering them all The Blank from her perspective. She describes it as being magically banished, but in a way it's worse than proper banishment. She can still enter her hometown, still see the people she loves, but they'll forever be apart from her.
  • Ithari sees Rayla's reflection in his blade. While he always believed in Rayla, the fact that she came home but his husband didn't means he's naturally angry with Rayla. The tone in his voice makes it clear how torn up he feels about it all.
  • Viren's gaslighting of Soren when his children confront him on his treason.
  • On the orders of the Sunfire queen, Amaya is subjected to 'The Light'; a sort of lie detector/purity test using a light of the Sunforge shined directly into the subject's eyes. Whether it was the prospect of losing her sight to the light (which for a deaf woman who communicates with visual mediums, would be terrifying), or that the test forces the victim to confront their deepest darkest self.. It was clearly a harrowing experience that left Amaya a weeping mess, gasping in anguish.
  • Ezran's monologue to Bait about the potential battle to come.
    Ezran: 'Each one of these pieces is 500 people. 500 men and women. Some are moms and dads, and have kids waiting for them at home. All of them are sons and daughters. Sisters, brothers, friends. They're real people, Bait. And after the battle..' [tips over the war flag]
  • Rayla puts up a strong front and claims that being exiled is nothing she wants or needs to talk about. However, when she's alone and thinks no one can hear her, her persistent feelings of worthlessness and self-loathing (which existed as far back as Book 1) catch up with her as she begins to sob quietly and break down, thinking there's nowhere she belongs and that it's all her fault.
  • The look on King Harrow's face as Viren recounts the loss of his queen is worth a thousand words. Anger.. Resolve.. Doubt.. Sorrow. Even though he claims that things have moved on and that time has healed the wound, it's very clear that this one moment will never stop haunting him.
    • What is the final ingredient of Viren's spell to kill Avizandum? Undying hatred. Harrow makes an attempt to let the past be the past, but in the end he just cannot forget what was taken from him and his sons. That such anger and bitterness could come from someone as noble and selfless as Harrow makes it all the more heartbreaking.
    • Once Viren finishes the spell and says he will leave Harrow with his 'grief', Harrow can be seen leaning over the spear as uncontrollable tears fall down his chin.
  • As Avizandum tells Harrow that he's giving the human king a choice save his life and flee or die, Harrow breaks into Broken Tears and goes into a fury.
    • As some have pointed out, if you listen closely, once Harrow throws the spear, you can hear Sarai's voice screaming no. She never really wished to harm the creatures of Xadia, and her final breath is being used to reenact the cycle of violence she never wanted.
  • Avizandum's last moments, desperately trying to get to his son even as he slowly turns to stone, breaking off his own leg and wing in a futile attempt to protect him. After spending most of the series as a terrifying force of nature, ultimately he's just another father trying to protect his child.
    • His final thoughts as he died were probably that he had failed his son and that he would never see him grow up. As he starts to completely turn to stone, one final tear falls down his eye before he becomes a statue.
  • Callum's words to Rayla' at the petrified Thunder about how conflicted and confused he feels. Feeling hate for Thunder having killed his mother and glad that his stepfather got revenge, but also ashamed and full of regret that this is Zym's dad who was slain and how sorry he is that this whole situation with the cycle of revenge starting from the events from his mother's death.
    • Even Rayla's attempts to comfort him have a bitter irony to them. She assures Callum that Zym and Ezran's generation wont inherit their father's conflict.. all while blissfully unaware that an entire army just stormed into Xadia, and that hope has already failed.
Chapter 7: Hearts of Cinder
  • When Soren tries to discuss the tactics and strategy of invading Xadia with his father, Viran all but mocks him for trying to do his job and even hints that Kasef would be a more suitable heir. This moment may be trumped by latter, even more despicable behavior, but it's clear that Viran's contempt for his son has been broiling for some time; his rejection of Soren didn't just happen overnight.
  • The corruption of the Sun Forge is indeed horrifying, but also a profound tragedy; it was the absolute pinnacle of the Sunfire's culture and Pseudoreligion, and it wasn't merely destroyed but thoroughly defiled with dark magic (which the Sunfires almost pathologically despise). It's doubtful that the elves will ever forget.. or forgive.. such a travesty.
  • Janai nearly going on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge to avenge her sister, with Amaya having to tackle her to the ground and pin her as her Volcanic Veins burn her hand. When Janai looks angrily at Amaya, all Amaya can do is quietly shake her head. Amaya has already been in this situation when she lost Sarai, and all she can signal to Janai is that she needs to let go. Janai's veins slowly disappear and she breaks down weeping loudly on the ground for her sister.
    • Just the sound of Janai's weeping is heartbreaking. That is not merely grief we hear, that is pain.
  • Viren openly and fully rejecting Soren when Soren refuses the power Viren has obtained from the Sunfire forge and his Dark Magic. When Viren offers to give Soren this new power and transformation, it appears as if it could be Soren's final chance to gain his father's approval — Viren even refers to Soren as 'son'. Soren hesitates, and Viren can't even hold back his disdain. This also fully pushes Soren over to the other side.
    • On the other hand, there's something sad and unsettling about the fact that not only does Viren seem unbothered about the prospect of Soren being turned into monstrous, rage-fueledDumb Muscle - but neither does Claudia, even considering that she just saw what happened. Poor Soren. He just can't win in his family.
  • Claudia begging Soren not to leave is heartbreaking to watch. First, Soren offers that they could both be free of their father, and Claudia pleads for him to not make her 'choose' between the two of them again. Then we see it settle on Soren how the choice is hurting his little sister, that Claudia is more loyal to their father, and he resigns himself to it as he says goodbye to her — but Claudia even refuses his goodbye hug with a sharp 'no!' Then Soren walks away from her and his departure really dawns on Claudia, culminating in her close to tears, helplessly repeating 'no!' and stamping her foot. Try not to have your heart shattered into tiny little pieces.
  • Kasef's transformation. He may have been a warmonger, but only because he truly believed that the 'elves' nearly murdered his father. A bright young man in the prime of his life was twisted into an abomination over a lie.
    • Twisting the knife further it was Viran's magic, not the elves, that nearly killed King Ahling. Kasef sacrificed his future to the same man who harmed his father and he doesn't even know it.
    • Compared to the rest of the army though, Kasef still got off easy; at least he went along with the transformation willingly. Viran doesn't even deign to grant his soldiers the chance to reject his 'gift' and forcibly strips them of their humanity. Most were dedicated men and women who were only trying to safeguard their homes and families from (what they believed to be) a genuine threat, and judging by their post-transformation behavior they don't even have the ability to protest their violation.
    • One can only imagine how Ahling will respond to all this. He was depicted as a good-natured and agreeable man, but now he's on death's door after losing his authority, his army, and his son. Even if he survives his injuries, this will doubtlessly break his heart.

The Dragon Prince Amaya Episode 5

  • Seeing Callum and Rayla tear into each other is painful to watch. Callum is not gentle at all in telling Rayla he thinks her wanting to stay to defend Zubeia is merely a matter of her pride and formless guilt about her parents, telling her to just let it go. For her part, Rayla accuses Callum of never truly understanding her before storming off in tears. While they love each other, the argument very nearly destroyed their relationship.
    Rayla: If you think I could just 'let it go,' then you don't know me at all! You never did!
    • Even worse is that said argument is driven by how much they care about each other. Callum is watching the girl he loves throw her life away over something she had absolutely no control over, while Rayla has to deal with the boy she loves calling her selfish over a regret that's been haunting her her entire life.
    • Later, Callum finds her at the pinnacle, sobbing over the argument. The entire season, she struggled with feeling like she's not good enough and that there's no place she belongs. Now, she feels she has to face certain death alone over her guilt, thinking that the person she's fallen in love with doesn't even understand her. Poor girl..
  • Zim finaly works up the curage to go see his comatose mother. He starts using his magic in an effort to wake her up, and it looks like he may just be able to get through to her where the others failed.. but it's all just a Hope Spot. The queen has everything she ever hoped for right in front of her, and she doesn't even know it.
  • When Rayla sends herself and Viren plummeting off the spire, Callum looks absolutely distraught. He just watched the girl he loves fall to her potential death. Worst of all, since his entire role during the final battle was to prevent soldiers from ascending the Storm Spire and reaching Zym and Rayla, he no doubt feels he failed to protect her. It's no wonder he decides in that moment that he's going to save her or die trying.
    • They even lock gazes as they plummet from the spire. As far as each of them knew, they were going to die together, yet too far away to say any final words.
  • Soren killing his own father, with only the briefest hesitation, to prevent him from killing Ezran is both a moment of awesome for being the culmination of Soren's transition into no longer needing Viren's approval, and a tear jerker for reasons that should be obvious, especially due to his near-breakdown straight afterwards as he realizes what he's done. It's reversed shortly afterwards when it's revealed this Viren was just an illusory decoy, but to think of what Soren must have been feeling without knowing that..
    • Even though Claudia knew what she was seeing was an illusion, to think of how much more broken Soren felt when he realizes he killed their father, right in front of his little sister who's still loyal to him.
      Claudia: (anger boiling over) How could you?
    • In addition, the illusion is solid enough to utterly pass for the real thing, and was about to bring a weapon down on Ezran. Claudia is far gone enough to risk killing Ezran.

Amaya The Dragon Prince Translation Season 3

End cards

The Dragon Prince Amaya And Janai

  • After Harrow's death, one ending card shows him happily sledding with his sons.
  • Some fans have pointed out that a male elf who made two necklaces in the season's beginning ending card is later seen crying over a small pond in the penultimate episode's ending card. Some have even begun to speculate that he might have a romantic connection to Runaan. Even more so when this took place the same episode Runaan is turned into a coin. The third season confirms that it is Runaan's husband.
  • Several end cards depict Viren with his kids- showing them magic, trying out Claudia's concoctions, being a good dad. Seeing how Viren was before the series' events, it explains why his children are so loyal- and it's heartbreaking how he's thrown it all away.
